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kursi goyang bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "kursi goyang"
  • kursi:    chair; chairs; place; seat; bench; hot seat;
  • goyang:    rickety; waggle; disturb; oscillate; fluctuate;
  • goyang:    rickety; waggle; disturb; oscillate; fluctuate; precarious; waver; stagger; wonky; move; shaky; falter; wobbly; sway; flimsy; unaffixed; doddery; giddy; wag; totter; swing; wibbly; rock; swaying; to
  • bergoyang-goyang:    jiggle; paddle; stir; shift; throw off; waddle; carry; wobble; stimulate; dodder; shake; totter; didder; swing; joggle; rock; waggle; careen; sway; escape from; coggle; wag; wiggle; excite; toddle;
  • kuda goyang:    rocking horse
  • stadium goyang:    goyang stadium
  • tanah goyang:    earthquake
  • kursi:    chair; chairs; place; seat; bench; hot seat; electric chair; sofa; stool; death chair; highchair; couch
  • boneka kepala goyang:    bobblehead
  • ayat kursi:    throne verse
  • deretan kursi:    tier
  • kursi aeron:    aeron chair
  • kursi berlengan:    armchair
  • kursi bersandaran:    armchair
  • kursi curule:    curule seat
  • Sitting in a rocking chair, reading the funny papers!
    Duduk di kursi goyang, membaca koran tua!
  • I was thinking I would make a rocking chair.
    Aku pikir aku akan membuat kursi goyang.
  • And let's put the rocking chair up there.
    Dan mari kita menempatkan kursi goyang di sana.
  • I think they were coming from the rocking chair.
    Aku pikir itu berasal dari kursi goyang.
  • Probably on the front porch in their rocking chairs.
    Mungkin di teras depan di kursi goyang mereka.
  • Are you a mod or a rocker?
    Apakah Anda seorang mod atau kursi goyang?
  • Seen one eat a rockin' chair one time.
    Terlihat makan kursi goyang 1 kali.
  • Doesn't matter, not from this rocking chair.
    Tak masalah, bukan dari kursi goyang ini.
  • You have him propped up in that rocking chair.
    Kau menaruhnya di kursi goyang.
  • I bet they had to throw out that rocking chair.
    Aku yakin mereka harus membuang kursi goyang itu.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5